
Techno Back to the Root ́s

23. Juli 2022

🔊🔊🔊🔊 Techno Back to the Root ́s 🔊🔊🔊🔊

📍📍📍📍 23.07.2022 📍📍📍📍

🛑🔈🛑 🔈 Kulturhaus Kili 🔈🛑🔈


💥💥 2 Floors💥💥

🔻Denny Hanson Germany

🔻 Contergan Dresden- Germany

🔻T.Blisskin Thailand/Germany

🔻Chris Kaey Berlin – Germany

🔻Mike Bell Switzerland

🔻Schmandi 0815 Germany

🔻DJ G-Punkt Germany

💥💥💥 and MYSTERY ACT 💥💥💥

NewComer Contest

mit chance für die 2

besten im Killi je 40min


mit zumischen

Just like now. Loud, impulsive, familiar, connecting, active.

One can let oneself fall, escape from everyday life maginary

See techno as a term for the real musical culture of music lovers of this genre, far away from commercialization and the hype of being a DJ or his friend.

It is people who create this music from their feeling for harmony or disharmony. Techno is already for me an important music epoch that melts together with all forms of arts and society.

Very important for world history and more and more important in the future.

Many musicians of this genre represent human opinions and do not shy away from revealing and “sharing” the grievances of society. This is heard and read by many of their followers. So this music will hopefully serve in the future as a leading mouthpiece for a better society.

Techno and its real culture sometimes means that strangers meet in one place and experience beautiful moments together.

Far from all prejudices, compulsions, sexism and mostly even without conversation.

This is for me the most beautiful of all experiences while playing and dancing.

Give all people a good time!

☢️☣️‼️ Catch us if u can ‼️☢️☣️


☢️☣️ Location:

Kultur Haus Kili

Wiesenweg 5-9

10365 Berlin

Einlass ab 18 Jahren!

‼️Natürlich unter Einhaltung der aktuellen Corona Regelung.(2G)‼️

– Geimpft

– Genesen

bitte bringt ein gültiges Ausweißdokument mit

!!Einlass nur 2G MIT tagesaktuellem negativem Testnachweis!!!

Entry only 18+ please bring a vaild ID Card with u !

‼️‼️Nazis, Rassismus, Sexismus, Homophobie und Gewalt sind bei uns nicht willkommen‼️‼️


🛑🛑🛑 Anfahrt:

_________S-Bahnhof: Ostkreuz + S/U-Bahnhof Frankfurter Allee

_________(10 minuten Gehweg)


Play Cover Track Title
Track Authors